
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Dear Good Sports,

As I write to you we have been rained out of all activities for the last 4 days!
Soccer practice, the soccer game, the soccer rain date make-up game and a lacrosse clinic! At least it doesn't seem to be raining on the Phillies as they play the Dodgers right now at Citizen's Bank Park (although the fans are all bundled up because of the cold).

This is just a quick post to stay in touch. In addition to normal back to school and other activities, I've been working on getting 2 books published by Good Manners Kids Stuff press that should be available on Amazon in several weeks. One of the books (surprise, surprise) is on Good Sportsmanship. Nothing preachy, but I think kids and parents will find it cute and easy to relate to!

Quick interruption: the score is 8 - 0 Phillies top of the 6th!

Have no fear, I'll let you know when the books are ready in case you want to check them out.

In the meantime, enjoy the playoffs!

Go Phillies.
