
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Good Sportsmanship in ... Science

Hello, Good Sports!

Today I want to switch gears and write just a little bit about Good Sportsmanship -- not in Sports, but in Science!

I came across an article about a District High School Science Olympiad Tournament where the winning team gave the second place team a standing ovation during the awards ceremony.

It would have been easy -- and human nature -- for the winning team to celebrate their win and not even think about the other team (except for maybe some polite applause or an unfortunate boo). They'd studied hard and deserved their win. But the fact that they looked outside of themselves and the situation to honor a worthy opponent says worlds about their character and the adults who have guided them over the years.

(I forgot to say that only two points separated the two teams from each other, and the win could have very easily gone the other way!)

I imagine it made the second place team feel better about their performance by having their hard work recognized by the winners and also giving them a well-deserved moment of celebration. After all, although they lost, they had studied hard to get to the Olympiad, and their participation was deserving of a place in the spotlight, too.

So, being a Good Sport doesn't just happen on the playing field. It's values and behaviors that we and our children can use all throughout life!

And that's my little post about Good Sportsmanship and Science! I just had to squeeze it in while it was still fresh in my mind before the Olympics start tomorrow!
