
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good Sportsmanship book just published!

Dear Good Sports!

I am writing you today with some exciting news! I've just published The Kids' (and parents', too!) Book of Good Sportsmanship through Good Manners Kids Stuff Press.

(As I mentioned last post, you probably aren't surprised to see that it's about good sportsmanship -- since this is the Good Sport Bad Sport Blog!)

I was so excited to check Amazon this morning and see that it was live! I've put the link to Amazon on the side of the blog. Isn't the cover cute?

The book is perfect for children between the ages of 4and 8 to read with their parents. The children will enjoy reading examples about the sports and activities done by children just like them, and you'll pick-up some tips, too. At the end of the book you'll find a cute certificate that child and parent can sign together when you've learned all the ways to be a Good Sport. I hope you'll check it out when you have a moment.

The last month and a half was a flurry of activity getting this book and my other one (a children's fantasy, The Month of Zephram Mondays, available at Good Manners Kids Stuff Press) ready to be printed, so I wasn't able to post at all! I hope not to leave you so long between posts again. In fact, I can't believe that the last time I posted was during the World Series.

Guess I'll do my best to check back in before the Super Bowl!


P.S. Looking back over the post for those typos that usually only become blatantly obvious once the blog is published, I see that I used the word cute twice. Hardly a sports-like word. But the cover and certificate really are cute! If I changed one of the cutes to adorable, that would be even worse, don't you think? So, I'm going to leave the cutes there for now!

...although fun could be a fall back choice, too!

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